Grandparents’ Handbook

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Life in the twenty-first century is complex. Never before have young people been faced with so many choices and such a barrage of distractions. Their world and the one in which their grandparents lived as young people could hardly be more different. Yet differences in background need not create alienation or cause rifts. Quite the opposite.

Relationships have to do with emotional intelligence, maturity, love, generosity of spirit, honesty, friendship, openness and compassion…and humour. Grandparents are well-placed to form warm and loving relationships with their grandchildren if they are able to form mature relationships in other areas of their lives.

The Grandparents’ Handbook entertainingly and insightfully discusses most of the really important issues that grandparents are likely to confront in their relationships with their grandchildren and shows how openness and honest, loving responses can create lasting relationships that are more precious than anything material could ever offer. Parents will find it of equal interest and value.

Shirley Bell

Shirley Bell is the author of several non-fiction books and has been editor of a number of national outdoor and animal magazines, and academic and ‘ideas’ journals. Special interests include animal welfare, wilderness and wildlife, literature, teaching methods that cater for varying learning styles, and research into the nature of consciousness. She was formerly head of the Department of English and an academic director at the Durban University of Technology, where she founded a Publishing division and produced a leading -edge journal for new ideas, New Perspectives. She also founded Embambiswaneni, a free English teaching upgrade project for teachers at several hundred Zulu schools in KwaZulu-Natal and ran it on a voluntary basis for seventeen years. She has four “highly individualistic, loving and endlessly interesting grandchildren” and six small great-grandchildren who are encouraged by their parents to find the world a fascinating place and to love the great outdoors.

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Weight 0.6 kg
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