Help Yourself South Africa

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Weight 0.8 kg
ISBN9781776405831 Barcode9781776405831

Frans Rautenbach was educated at Stellenbosch University (BA LLB) and practised as an advocate at the Johannesburg Bar before moving to Cape Town where he has worked as a labour lawyer in various roles.

Frans has consulted to the governments of Uganda and Tanzania on legislative reform, inclusive of labour law, licensing laws, business start-up law, road traffic insurance and other topics. He has participated in conferences and seminars, and in radio and TV discussions, on labour- and other legal policy.
He has written a number of books on economic reform, including …Set the Workers Free, Labour Litigation, In All Labour Profit, Liberating South African Labour from the Law, and South Africa Can Work.

‘ I have an abiding interest in the policy of labour law, especially its effect on unemployment. This has expanded over the years in an interest in economic policy generally, especially as it affects poor people in South Africa.

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