Roberts Sunbirds and Sugarbirds of Southern Africa

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Weight 2.0 kg
Dimensions 32 × 24 × 5 cm
ISBN9781920602086 Barcode9781920602086

In this sumptuous coffee table book, the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund has updated, expanded and revisited this captivating group of nectar-feeding birds.

In collaboration with acclaimed illustrator Gail Darroll, Roberts presents accounts for all 23 species, including the latest distribution maps generated from SABAP2 data. Co-authored by professional ornithologist and sunbird researcher Dr Mark Brown, and accomplished Roberts artist and JVBBF Trustee Ingrid Weiersbye, this book is written in an easily accessible style.

Here, a comprehensive species account including identifying features, food plants and habitat preferences, is provided for each sunbird and sugarbird in the sub-region. These are accompanied by extraordinary paintings, as well as selected photographs that highlight plumage variation and behaviour.

For everyone who has ever been mesmerised by the dazzling iridescence of these birds, this book offers a visual feast and a fascinating insight into their world.

Mark Brown, Ingrid Weiersbye and Guy Upfold

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Weight 2.0 kg
Dimensions 32 × 24 × 5 cm
Publisher Publication Date

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