Angel’s LegacyWhat's Past Is Not Gone Forever...

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Weight 0.259 kg
Dimensions 21.0 × 14.5 × 1 cm



ISBN978062058500 Barcode978062058500
Why did it have to be my DJ, Lord – of ALL the handsome boys. Why MY boy? she screamed in her head. And then she clearly heard Him reply. “Because I have a plan.” Angel is happily married, with two teenage children, a successful psychology practice and a home overlooking the sea.

Why did it have to be my DJ, Lord – of ALL the handsome boys. Why MY boy? she screamed in her head. And then she clearly heard Him reply. “Because I have a plan.” Angel is happily married, with two teenage children, a successful psychology practice and a home overlooking the sea.

Yet for nearly twenty years, she has carried a secret. It’s a secret that she has shared with only one other person… a secret that she thought was irrelevant and unimportant. Then somebody walks into Angel’s life – and suddenly her story is not her own anymore. It’s entangled with another story which requires Angel to face her own past and to finish the job she started so many years before.

The third and final book in the Angel trilogy, Angel’s Legacy is a fast-moving, compelling read that will have readers guessing till the last chapter. Its cast of characters comes alive in a bittersweet narrative that culminates in a triumphant ending, celebrating the divine plan for each of their lives

Gillian Van der Walt

My love for writing started at an early age – probably around 7 or 8 years old where I would write poems for my mom and my teachers. Those days there were no emails or cell phones and I had 15 pen-pals by the age of 13. My mom would always find me in my room, pen in hand and music in the background. My love for poetry grew and as an adult, I decided to turn it into a hobby. I wrote short magazine articles in my spare time. A few were published and I enjoyed partaking in a few competitions too. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to write my first book – on real life events and trauma that took place. I poured my soul into my book.

The response from the public was phenomenal and it is at that moment that I found my true calling in life: to be an author. Not only did I love every minute of writing it but it brought me great joy to see how I had touched people’s lives with inspiration – the “writer’s” bug had bitten. That is when the “Angel” trilogy was born. The story came to me overnight and the plotting of it was at the most bizarre of places e.g. stopping at traffic lights or waiting in the car for my children to finish school or at a doctor’s room, I would pull out pen and paper and jot down thoughts, words, ideas. It was not until we went on holiday for a week in July that I got totally inspired in the Drakensburg mountains and that is where my writing took place, in the peace and tranquility. Most nights when writing, I would only fall asleep after midnight but it doesn’t exhaust me, if anything, it is therapeutic

Additional information

Weight 0.259 kg
Dimensions 21.0 × 14.5 × 1 cm



PublisherGillian Van der Walt Publication Date02/06/2014


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