Howard Timmins and his Protégés

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Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 22.9 × 15.3 × 0.5 cm




ISBN9780639932668 Barcode9780639932668
Howard Timmins was a larger than life figure both in publishing and in Cape Town commercial life. He was one of the earliest publishers in South Africa using his own imprint and he soon established himself as a major force in the publishing of ‘popular’ as against academic and legal books.

Howard Timmins was a larger than life figure both in publishing and in Cape Town commercial life. He was one of the earliest publishers in South Africa using his own imprint and he soon established himself as a major force in the publishing of ‘popular’ as against academic and legal books. Many of his writers of popular histories were either professional journalists or had written numerous articles for magazines. This was certainly the case with Lawrence Green, Eric Rosenthal and Paddy Cartwright, all of whom knew or had worked with each other on newspapers, and was also the case with TV Bulpin and Jose Burman.

David Hilton-Barber

David Hilton-Barber, fourth-generation South African of 1820 Settler stock, was born in Grahamstown and holds a BA Honours degree from Rhodes. He trained as a journalist, following in the footsteps of his maternal great-grandfather Frederick York St Leger, founder and first editor of the Cape Times. In his later career as a public relations consultant, he was involved in a wide range of public-relations programmes for the public and private sector, included lecturing and contributing to the compilation of the communications course at the University of South Africa.


He served as president of the PR Institute of SA and council member for South Africa on the International Public Relations Association. He is author of Footprints: On the Trail of those who Shaped the History of Tzaneen, Footprints: Of Those Who Made History in Haenertsburg, The Baronet and the Savage King: the Intriguing Story of the Tati Concessions, Hobson’s Choice: Len Hobson; The Story of a Remarkable Man and Kalahari Dreaming: The Romance of the Desert.

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Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 22.9 × 15.3 × 0.5 cm




PublisherFootprint Press Publication Date21/11/2018


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