Robert HartThe First English-Speaking Settler In South Africa

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Weight 0.221 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 1.6 cm


ISBN9780620784696 Barcode9780620784696
The life of Robert Hart was contemporaneous with the whole history of the Cape Colony under British rule, and to write a complete history of his life would be to write, in a, great measure, a history of the colony. Had he kept a diary, it might not only have been interesting and instructive, but could have been taken as a text book to the history of the Colony, as he came to the Cape in the year 1795 with the British troops under Sir Home Popham, and was at the first taking of the Cape.

The life of Robert Hart was contemporaneous with the whole history of the Cape Colony under British rule, and to write a complete history of his life would be to write, in a, great measure, a history of the colony. Had he kept a diary, it might not only have been interesting and instructive, but could have been taken as a text book to the history of the Colony,

as he came to the Cape in the year 1795 with the British troops under Sir Home Popham, and was at the first taking of the Cape. John Bond: The name of Robert Hart is almost unknown. That is strange because Hart, as far as I can discover, was the first English-speaking South African.


He came to South Africa in its darkest period when the Dutch East India Company’s rule was breaking down completely. His whole life, from the day he landed in 1795, was devoted one way or another to shoring up the shaky structure of the Cape.

David Hilton-Barber

Pioneering people, interesting places and significant events – these are the themes of David Hilton-Barber’s non-fiction historical books. Highly readable and entertaining, his stories are told through the eyes of the characters living at the time. The author identifies with the genre of writers such as TV Bulpin and AP Cartwright who popularised travel and history. He subscribes to the notion that was first expressed by George Cory, the eminent historian whose name is embodied at the Cory Collection at the Rhodes University Library:


It is no more than the grateful duty of a succeeding generation to revere the memory of those who bore the heat and burden of the days long gone. But better than merely holding in one’s memories of departed heroes is the placing on permanent record the account of their lives and works. Hilton-Barber is a fourth generation South African. He was born in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape and holds a BA Honours degree from Rhodes University. He then trained as a journalist, following in the footsteps of his maternal great-grandfather Frederick York St Leger, founder and first editor of the Cape Times.

Additional information

Weight 0.221 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 1.6 cm


PublisherDA Hilton-Barbr T/A Footprint Press Publication Date03/07/2018


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