Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the African region through human rights

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Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 24.6 × 15.4 × 1.8 cm




ISBN9781920538316 Barcode9781920538316
Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the African region through human rights uses rights-based frameworks to address some of the serious sexual and reproductive health challenges that the African region is currently facing.

Strengthening the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the African region through human rights uses rights-based frameworks to address some of the serious sexual and reproductive health challenges that the African region is currently facing. More importantly, the book provides insightful human rights approaches on how these challenges can be overcome.

The book is the first of its kind. It is an important addition to the resources available to researchers, academics, policymakers, civil society organisations, human rights defenders, learners and other persons interested in the subject of sexual and reproductive health and rights as they apply to the African region. Human rights issues addressed by the book include: access to safe abortion and emergency obstetric care; HIV/AIDS; adolescent sexual health and rights; early marriage; and gender-based sexual violence.

Edited by Charles Ngwena and Ebenezer Durojaye

Charles Ngwena is Professor of Law at the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. He has established a firm reputation as an internationally recognized scholar on the themes of disability and sexual and reproductive rights. With What is Africanness: Contesting nativism in culture, race and sexualities,Professor Ngwena has reinvented himself as a scholar of importance on issues of race and identity.

Ebenezer Durojaye is Associate Professor of Law and Head of the Socio-economic Rights Project at the Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town

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Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 24.6 × 15.4 × 1.8 cm




PublisherPretoria University Law Press (PULP) Publication Date12/11/2014


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