Surviving the RideA Pictorial History of South African-Manufactured Armoured Vehicles

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Weight 1.00 kg
Dimensions 29.7 × 21.0 × 1.3 cm



ISBN9781928211174 Barcode9781928211174
Mine-protected and mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles are today standard in the US, most major western armed forces and many other armies as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The South African Army was already routinely using mine-protected armoured personnel carriers and patrol vehicles forty years ago even if they looked primitive and ungainly.


Mine-protected and mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles are today standard in the US, most major western armed forces and many other armies as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The South African Army was already routinely using mine-protected armoured personnel carriers and patrol vehicles forty years ago even if they looked primitive and ungainly.

A few years later, the South African Army had eached the stage where it could deploy entire combat groups into battle zones equipped with only mine-protected vehicles, including their ambulances and supply trucks. By then the mine-protected vehicles had also become effective for use in combat, rather than just protected transport, the Casspir being the chief example. More to the point, they saved countless soldiers and policemen from death or serious injury, and the basic concepts now live on in the various MRAP types in service today.

The valuable lessons learned by the South Africans with their early designs of these combat-proven vehicles has led the country to become one of the global leaders in the design of MRAPs which are locally manufactured and exported around the world. Surviving the Ride is a fascinating pictorial account featuring more than 200 of these unique South African-developed vehicles and variants, spanning a forty-year period, with over 450 photographs, many of which are previously unpublished.

Steve Camp & Helmoed Römer Heitman

Steve Camp has an impressive all-round sporting record including mountaineering, running, paragliding and yacht racing. During his military training in the South African Army Steve qualified for his paratrooper wings and has since trained with and been awarded the military airborne wings of Israel, Burma, Estonia, Cuba and America. He is the author of seventeen books, holds a Bachelor of Education degree and lives in Hillcrest outside of Durban with Sally and their two children, Sarah and Stuart.


Helmoed Römer Heitman has written and lectured on defence since 1978, consults to the Defence Ministry, Defence Force, parliamentarians and defence companies, and edits the SA Army Journal. His military career includes service in the SA Army reserve, worked with the non-statutory forces and political parties from 1991 in the run up to the 1996 Defence White Paper, served on a working group of the 1998 Defence Review, and with the SA Army’s Vision 2020 team, worked with the Navy on fleet design concepts and the potential of multi-role vessels as well as the Air Force on force design and operational employment doctrine for the Rooivalk attack helicopter. He has written six books and four minor titles on defence matters, drawn up more than 120 papers and studies, presented papers at more than sixty defence conferences and published more than 500 articles on defence matters in South Africa and other countries.

Additional information

Weight 1.00 kg
Dimensions 29.7 × 21.0 × 1.3 cm



Publisher30 Degrees South Publishers Publication Date01/10/2014


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