The Saint, the Surgeon and the Unsung Botanist

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Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 0.7 cm



ISBN9780620712446 Barcode9780620712446
The book pays tribute to the contribution of explorers, writers and scientists to Cape in earlier times.

The book pays tribute to the contribution of explorers, writers and scientists to Cape in earlier times. These early pioneers – including Burchell, Pringle, Chapman and William Cornwallis are featured. Other personalities are Andrew Geddes Bain and his son Thomas, respected road-builders with a number of mountain passes attributed to them, and Dr Guybon Atherstone who performed the Colony’s first operation under anaesthetic. Hilton-Barber’s great-grandfather, Frederick York St Leger, was the founder and first editor of the Cape Times, and Mary Elizabeth Barber was a botanist who identified many new species of plants in the Eastern Cape.

David Hilton-Barber

David Hilton-Barber, fourth-generation South African of 1820 Settler stock, was born in Grahamstown and holds a BA Honours degree from Rhodes. He trained as a journalist, following in the footsteps of his maternal great-grandfather Frederick York St Leger, founder and first editor of the Cape Times. In his later career as a public relations consultant, he was involved in a wide range of public-relations programmes for the public and private sector, included lecturing and contributing to the compilation of the communications course at the University of South Africa.


He served as president of the PR Institute of SA and council member for South Africa on the International Public Relations Association. He is author of Footprints: On the Trail of those who Shaped the History of Tzaneen, Footprints: Of Those Who Made History in Haenertsburg, The Baronet and the Savage King: the Intriguing Story of the Tati Concessions, Hobson’s Choice: Len Hobson; The Story of a Remarkable Man and Kalahari Dreaming: The Romance of the Desert.

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Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 0.7 cm



PublisherFootprint Press Publication Date09/11/2018


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