Transformative constitutionalism:Comparing the apex courts of Brazil, India and South Africa

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Weight 0.900 kg
Dimensions 24.6 × 15.4 × 3.5 cm




ISBN9781920538231 Barcode9781920538231
This peer-reviewed book contains a number of contributions about the role of the highest ('apex') courts in Brazil, India and South Africa, in giving effect to the generous group of rights recognised by the aspirational constitutions of these three countries.

This peer-reviewed book contains a number of contributions about the role of the highest (‘apex’) courts in Brazil, India and South Africa, in giving effect to the generous group of rights recognised by the aspirational constitutions of these three countries. It is the result of a collaborative research project between researchers in the three countries, involving academics, human rights activists and a judge.


The aim of the book is to provide starting points for a horizontal South-South-South ‘trialogue’ about transformative constitutionalism. While not laying claim to provide a comprehensive comparison of every important aspect covered in each of the three Constitutions, the book focuses on selected thematic areas, including gender, socio-economic rights, land rights and the role of civil society.

Edited by Oscar Vilhena, Upendra Baxi and Frans Viljoen

Oscar Vilhena is the Dean of the law school at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Sao Paulo.

Upendra Baxi is Professor of Law in Development, University of Warwick.

Frans Viljoen is Director at the Centre for Human Rights and Professor of International Human Rights Law, University of Pretoria.

Additional information

Weight 0.900 kg
Dimensions 24.6 × 15.4 × 3.5 cm




PublisherPretoria University Law Press (PULP) Publication Date15/10/2013


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