Miracles and MessagesTrue Stories That Remind Us We Are Not Alone, But Are Loved, Guided And Protected Throughout Our Lives

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Weight 0.225 kg
Dimensions 22.8 × 15.3 × 0.8 cm




ISBN978-0-620-57070-1 Barcode978-0-620-57070-1
‘You have no idea how your book has influenced me. It has reached into my being and left a deep impression. Your honesty has made your message so powerful. You have been given a gift of deep spiritual insight and written a masterpiece. Your written word is blessed! It is fantastic!’ Ann Milne - Perth, Australia

I have been in two minds about whether to share the stories contained in this book; to write of how I have experienced God in my life, fearful of what others would think. I have, however, come to realize that the concerns of my ego are of no consequence; that I am obliged to share a beautiful message with others, regardless of my discomfort, in the knowledge that these stories of God’s constant involvement in our lives will bring a sense of hope and comfort to those who read it, but more importantly, to those who need it.

This book is a collection of stories of how He has touched me, protected me, guided me and loved me throughout my life. It has been a journey of miracles and wonder, awe, love and awakening. The realization that we are not alone, but are unconditionally loved, guided and protected throughout our lives has been one of the most comforting and beautiful lessons I have come to learn.

This book was written for those who, like me, have questioned whether God exists, whether miracles still occur today, whether the Holy Spirit truly is with us in real time and whether angels do indeed help us in our time of need. I have had the privilege of learning that the answer to each of these questions is YES. My prayer is that by sharing my story with you, you will be comforted, touched and changed as I have been.

Kyla De Vleig

Kyla lives in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa with her beloved husband Jevan, their son Zach and daughter Jamie. Since leaving the corporate world upon the birth of her son, Kyla has pursued her dream of encouraging others to live rich, full and meaningful lives as an inspirational speaker and author. Kyla is passionate about

sharing her story of how Jesus has touched and changed her life, in the
hope that by doing so she will remind others that we are not alone in this world, but are loved, guided and protected throughout our lives.

Additional information

Weight 0.225 kg
Dimensions 22.8 × 15.3 × 0.8 cm




PublisherKyla De Vlieg Publication Date01/08/2013


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