The collapse of the Portuguese colonies in Angola and Mozambique Watershed & Battle for Mozambique

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Weight 1.4 kg
ISBN9781920143916 - Combo Barcode9781920143916 - Combo

These two books document the fall of the Portuguese colonies to self-rule. Following a coup d’état i 1974 Angola and Mozambique fell into bloody anarchy from which emerged tottering new regimes struggling to survive their own civil wars.

Battle for Mozambique is an account of the sixteen-year-long war in Mozambique between the Frelimo government and Renamo rebels which remains one of the most overlooked and misunderstood of the conflicts that raged across Africa during the height of the Cold War. this book provides the first real comprehensive military history of a war too long neglected and underappreciated in the chronicles of modern African history.

Watershed was captured in extraordinary detail by photographers of the Argus Africa News Service, a small, highly professional South African agency.

Wilf Nussey (Watershed), Stephen Emerson (Battle for Mozambique)

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Weight 1.4 kg
Publisher30 Degrees South Publishers Publication Date


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