The EgosystemA Synopsis of the Human Condition

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Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 1.3 cm



ISBN9780639953137 Barcode9780639953137
The Egosystem is not about self-help. It is about self-awareness. The Egosystem makes you aware of why you respond to life the way that you do. It will make you more aware of your reality and offer you insights that will empower you to choose the life that you want for yourself, rather than living the life imposed by others.

The Egosystem is not about self-help. It is about self-awareness.

The Egosystem makes you aware of why you respond to life the way that you do. It will make you more aware of your reality and offer you insights that will empower you to choose the life that you want for yourself, rather than living the life imposed by others.

No mantras, lists, exercises to do, prescriptive steps to take, or touchy-feelie rants. Just simple logic that will remove the clutter and restore sanity where you once thought sanity may be lost forever.

• Understand your needs
• Recognise your assumptions
• Embrace your fears
• Master your behaviours
• Hone your responses
• Establish more informed perceptions about the world

These are all outcomes that will naturally result from your time reading this book.

The Egosystem unpacks the humanity that exists in all of us, regardless of cultural, religious, or philosophical persuasions. It makes it possible for you to reconnect with the essence of who you are, and it empowers you to change what you may dislike about your life.

Zaid Ismail

My writing is not a true reflection of who I am. It only reflects some light on the darkness that lurks within me. It reflects my struggles for purpose and understanding. It reflects hints of my passion. It reflects suggestions of who I am and who I yearn to be. But it is not entirely me. I am a man. An ordinary and somewhat grounded human being who is old fashioned by nature, sincere with intent, and terribly flawed. I am a father, son, and ex-slave of the corporate world. I desperately seek to understand the balance in life, with a specific appreciation for the laws of cause and effect in the hope that I may someday be able to apply these insights meaningfully into my own life, and perhaps encourage it in the lives of those around me.


I used to be an IT professional by trade, and a generalist by choice, but my career eventually evolved in ways that made it impossible to easily define what I did. Suffice to say that I focused on creating order out of chaos. This seems to have been a theme in every sphere of my life. I have yet to figure out if I go searching for the dystopic settings, or if they are attracted to me instead. Perhaps it is neither. Perhaps the truth lies closer to the fact that dystopia is the only true reality, and any order or semblance of order that we experience is a result of us selectively choosing that which contributes to the order that we look for, while ignoring everything that conflicts with our desired state.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 23.4 × 15.3 × 1.3 cm



PublisherSelf-Published Publication Date01/10/2018


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