Time Travelling Adventurers Book 1Guardians Of The Light

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Dimensions 19.8 × 13 × 1.4 cm



ISBN9780620808583 Barcode9780620808583
Calvin and Josie both live on the same farm in the KZN Midlands. However, Calvin lives in 2018 and Josie in 1886. They have discovered a cave with a shimmering, blue light. Soon the two meet, and once they realise that they are from different times they start a friendship. Eventually, Josie gets to meet Pet, a tenant living on Calvin’s parents farm.

Calvin and Josie both live on the same farm in the KZN Midlands. However, Calvin lives in 2018 and Josie in 1886. They have discovered a cave with a shimmering, blue light. Soon the two meet, and once they realise that they are from different times they start a friendship. Eventually, Josie gets to meet Pet, a tenant living on Calvin’s parents farm.

Pet finds out about Josie not being from 2018, and then decides to share with them her belief that they are the new Guardians of the Light. Once Calvin and Josie accept their destiny the adventures begin, leading them on missions into the future where they get to meet many interesting people and even get to travel to the Centauri System in search of Dylaxian crystals.

They meet Darrex, a contact living in 2142, and on the Centauri Colony 518 they learn about a man who wants to set up his own time-travelling portal. Their final mission takes them back to the Centauri system where they confront this man, Mylax, and inject him with a memory serum. They also take an ancient book from him, which he said contained information about the cave.

Leon Matthews

Leon Matthews grew up and was educated on the West Rand. He attended the Rand Afrikaans University where he obtained a B. Com degree in 1992. After studying Theology for a further two years he then started his career as an Analyst Programmer. After working for a company for 8 years, he then decided to go freelance, and has been an I.T. consultant working with accounting software for the last 13 years. Leon has lived on a smallholding in Lidgetton, just outside Howick since 2010. From here, he serves his I.T. clients in Johannesburg and also runs a few other small businesses, including firewood and growing organic vegetables.

His smallholding in the Kwazulu-Natal Midlands forms the backdrop for his children’s series of books called “Time-Travelling Adventurers”. Initially he started writing as a means of relaxation, but after completing the first book and receiving a very encouraging response from his 14-year-old daughter, he decided to keep writing and eventually made the move to publish the books. Incidentally, his daughter, Sarah, also illustrated the book, so it’s a real family affair.

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Dimensions 19.8 × 13 × 1.4 cm



PublisherLeon Mathews Publication Date01/06/2018


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